HL-Kattor.Heavy Duty Integrated Solution Provider

  • Project : Guangde Road South Feihe River Bridge
  • Service :
  • Date : 10 Jan, 2023
  • Status :

Project Description

Guangde Route (Yuxi Road to Chaohu South Road), the secondary trunk road of Hefei City, crosses the Feihe River in Vietnam via the Hefei Guangde Road Steel Bridge. The north bank approach bridge, the main bridge, and the south bank approach bridge make up the Guangde Road South Feihe River Bridge.

The launching system of this project adopts a synchronous jacking and weighing system integrating mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, computer cybernetics, and many other technologies to achieve the overall lifting and horizontal advancement of super-large components. 

HL-Kattor stood out among many competitors and undertook the professional subcontracting of the walking push of Nanfeihe Bridge. A total of 30 sets of 250t and 400t synchronous jacking and weighing systems were supplied in this project.

Project Images

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